Polynomial systems in Economics
...and the polyhedral homotopy
Tianran Chen
Department of Mathematics
Auburn University at Montgomery
Sep. 21, 2023
Invitation to algebraic statistics and applications
Chicago, IL USA
\text{Nash equilibrium}
\quad + \quad
\text{Polyhedral homotopy}
Start from the very very basic...
A "game" is a strategic interaction
involving multiple "players",
where each player's outcome depends on the choices of all players.
Normal form game
Pure vs mixed strategies
Mixed strategy :
assignment of probabilities for pure strategies.
Totally mixed strategy :
assignment of positive probabilities.
&\text{A's expected payoff} \\ &=
(\,0\,) \cdot a_1 b_1 + (-1) \cdot a_1 b_2 + (+1) \cdot a_1 b_3 \\ &+
(+1) \cdot a_2 b_1 + (\,0\,) \cdot a_2 b_2 + (-1) \cdot a_2 b_3 \\ &+
(-1) \cdot a_3 b_1 + (+1) \cdot a_3 b_2 + (\,0\,) \cdot a_3 b_3
\text{A's payoff} &=
(\;0\;) \cdot a_1 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (-1) \cdot a_1 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (+1) \cdot a_1 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} \\ &+
(+1) \cdot a_2 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (\;0\;) \cdot a_2 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (-1) \cdot a_2 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} \\ &+
(-1) \cdot a_3 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (+1) \cdot a_3 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (\;0\;) \cdot a_3 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}}
No way A can improve it.
\class{highlight}{0} &\ge
(\;0\;) \cdot a_1 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (-1) \cdot a_1 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (+1) \cdot a_1 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} \\ &+
(+1) \cdot a_2 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (\;0\;) \cdot a_2 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (-1) \cdot a_2 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} \\ &+
(-1) \cdot a_3 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (+1) \cdot a_3 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} + (\;0\;) \cdot a_3 \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}}
\class{highlight}{0} &\ge
(\;0\;) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_1 + (-1) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_1 + (+1) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_1 \\ &+
(+1) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_2 + (\;0\;) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_2 + (-1) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_2 \\ &+
(-1) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_3 + (+1) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_3 + (\;0\;) \cdot \class{highlight}{\frac{1}{3}} b_3
Nash equilibrium :
$(a_1,a_2,a_3)$ and $(b_1,b_2,b_3)$
where neither can increase payoff by changing their strategy unilaterally.
J. Nash.
Equilibrium points in n-person games.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 36, 48-49 (1950).
$A,B,C$ play a non-cooperative game.
Each have 2 pure strategies.
Three mixed strategies
A &: (a_1,a_2) \\
B &: (b_1,b_2) \\
C &: (c_1,c_2)
a_1 + a_2 &= 1 \\
b_1 + b_2 &= 1 \\
c_1 + c_2 &= 1 \\
Player A's view
There are 8 situations:
A choose #1, B choose #1, C choose #1
Payoff: $A_{111}$
A choose #1, B choose #1, C choose #2
Payoff: $A_{112}$
A choose #1, B choose #2, C choose #1
Payoff: $A_{121}$
A choose #1, B choose #2, C choose #2
Payoff: $A_{122}$
A choose #2, B choose #1, C choose #1
Payoff: $A_{211}$
A choose #2, B choose #2, C choose #2
Payoff: $A_{222}$
A_{ijk} \; := \;
\text{The payoff for situation } (ijk)
Payoff arrays
A_{ijk} \; := \;
\text{The payoff for situation } (ijk) \text{ for A}
B_{ijk} \; := \;
\text{The payoff for situation } (ijk) \text{ for B}
C_{ijk} \; := \;
\text{The payoff for situation } (ijk) \text{ for C}
The game is encoded in $2 \times 2 \times 2$ arrays $A,B,C$.
Player A's payoff
A_{ijk} \; := \;
\text{The payoff for situation } (ijk) \text{ for A}
\text{The probability for } (ijk) \;=\;
a_i \, b_j \, c_k
A_{111} a_1 b_1 c_1 &+
A_{112} a_1 b_1 c_2 +
A_{121} a_1 b_2 c_1 +
A_{122} a_1 b_2 c_2 +
A_{211} a_2 b_1 c_1 &+
A_{212} a_2 b_1 c_2 +
A_{221} a_2 b_2 c_1 +
A_{222} a_2 b_2 c_2
\sum_{i=1}^2 \sum_{j=1}^2 \sum_{k=1}^2 A_{ijk} \, a_i \, b_j \, c_k
\sum_{i,j,k=1}^2 A_{ijk} \, a_i \, b_j \, c_k
\text{Player A's payoff} &= \sum_{i,j,k=1}^2 A_{ijk} \, a_i \, b_j \, c_k \\
\text{Player B's payoff} &= \sum_{i,j,k=1}^2 B_{ijk} \, a_i \, b_j \, c_k \\
\text{Player C's payoff} &= \sum_{i,j,k=1}^2 C_{ijk} \, a_i \, b_j \, c_k
A vector $(a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2)$
is called a Nash equilibrium
if no player can increase their own payoff unilaterally.
There are two aspects: The algebraic and the combinatorial.
A Nash equilibrium is totally mixed
(fully mixed) if it contains only positive entries .
(Every pure strategy is used)
A vector $(a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2)$
is called a Nash equilibrium
if no player can increase his/her own payoff
while the other two players keep their strategies fixed.
\text{A's payoff with} \\
\text{strategy } (a_1,a_2)
\ge \;
\text{A's payoff with} \\
\text{any strategy }
\text{with fixed} \\ (b_1,b_2), (c_1,c_2)
\sum_{i,j,k=1}^2 A_{ijk} \, a_i \, b_j \, c_k
\sum_{i,j,k=1}^2 A_{ijk} \,
\class{highlight}{\overline{a}_i} \, b_j \, c_k
\quad\text{for any }
(\class{highlight}{\overline{a}_1},\class{highlight}{\overline{a}_2}) \in \Delta
In particular, this is true for
$(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$.
\alpha &= \sum_{i,j,k=1}^2 A_{ijk} \, a_i \, b_j \, c_k &
\alpha &\ge \sum_{j,k=1}^2 A_{\class{highlight}{1}jk} \, b_j \, c_k \\ &&
\alpha &\ge \sum_{j,k=1}^2 A_{\class{highlight}{2}jk} \, b_j \, c_k
After some algebraic manipuations,
we get 9 equations in the 9 variables
$a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2$ (mixed strategies)
and $\alpha,\beta,\gamma$ (payoffs).
\alpha &=
A_{111} \, b_1 c_1
+ A_{112} \, b_1 c_2
+ A_{121} \, b_2 c_1
+ A_{122} \, b_2 c_2
\alpha &=
A_{211} \, b_1 c_1
+ A_{212} \, b_1 c_2
+ A_{221} \, b_2 c_1
+ A_{222} \, b_2 c_2
&=B_{111} a_1 c_1
+ B_{112} a_1 c_2
+ B_{211} a_2 c_1
+ B_{112} a_2 c_2
&=B_{121} a_1 c_1
+ B_{122} a_1 c_2
+ B_{221} a_2 c_1
+ B_{222} a_2 c_2
&=C_{111} a_1 b_1
+ C_{121} a_1 b_2
+ C_{211} a_2 b_1
+ C_{221} a_2 b_2
&=C_{112} a_1 b_1
+ C_{122} a_1 b_2
+ C_{212} a_2 b_1
+ C_{222} a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 = b_1 + b_2 = c_1 + c_2
0 =
(A_{111} - A_{211}) b_1 c_1 +
(A_{112} - A_{212}) b_1 c_2 +
0 =
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
Real solutions with
$a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2 > 0$
correspond to totally mixed Nash equilibria.
\overline{A}_{jk} =
\text{Difference in payoff between two choices}
0 =
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
6 equations in 6 unknowns (payoff variables eliminated).
Real solutions with
$a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2 > 0$ correspond to
totally mixed Nash equilibria.
Question :
How to compute totally mixed Nash equilibria
(in general) ?
Compute all nonzero complex solutions ($\mathbb{C}^*$-solutions)
Numerical homotopy method (continuous deformation)
Polyhedral homotopy of Huber & Sturmfels
Totally mixed Nash equilibria
are defined by the equations
0 =
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
How to solve?
How many solutions?
Only finite many solutions,
all isolated.
This holds for generic coefficients.
(a Zariski-dense subset of coefficients)
Oddness of the number of equilibrium points: A new proof.
Int. J. Game Theory 2, 235-250 (1973).
\text{Randomly perturbed}
We consider the generic version
0 &=
\class{highlight}{\overline{A}_{11}} \, b_1 c_1 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{A}_{12}} \, b_1 c_2 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{A}_{21}} \, b_2 c_1 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{A}_{22}} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\class{highlight}{\overline{B}_{11}} a_1 c_1 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{B}_{12}} a_1 c_2 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{B}_{21}} a_2 c_1 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{B}_{22}} a_2 c_2
0 &=
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{11}} a_1 b_1 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{12}} a_1 b_2 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{21}} a_2 b_1 +
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{22}} a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
where highlight coefficients are randomly perturbed.
0 &=
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
What will happen to the solutions as
\overline{A}_{jk}, \overline{B}_{ik}, \overline{C}_{ij} \; &\to \; 0 \\
a_1 + a_2,\;
b_1 + b_2,\;
c_1 + c_2 \; &\to \; \infty
What does this procedure mean?
How are we changing the game?
Is there a reasonable interpretation?
0 &=
\overline{A}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{1.4}} b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{0.7}} b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.8}} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.9}} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.1}} a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{0.5}} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.3}} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.3}} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.6}} a_2 b_2
1 &= \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,a_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{4.5}} \,a_2 \\
1 &= \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,b_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{5.2}} \,b_2 \quad\quad\text{With generic exponents (``liftings'')}\\
1 &= \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,c_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{7.1}} \,c_2
What happens when
$t \to 0$ ?
H(a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2,\class{highlight}{t}) =
\overline{A}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{1.4}} b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{0.7}} b_2 c_2
\overline{B}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.8}} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.9}} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.1}} a_2 c_2
\overline{C}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{0.5}} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.3}} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.3}} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.6}} a_2 b_2
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,a_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{4.5}} \,a_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,b_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{5.2}} \,b_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,c_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{7.1}} \,c_2 - 1
We considered the homotopy function
$H: (\mathbb{C}^*)^6 \times [0,1] \to \mathbb{C}^6$,
and the "paths" defined by $H = 0$.
This is the polyhedral homotopy.
H(a_1,a_2,b_1,b_2,c_1,c_2,\class{highlight}{t}) =
\overline{A}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{1.4}} b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{0.7}} b_2 c_2
\overline{B}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.8}} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.9}} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.1}} a_2 c_2
\overline{C}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{0.5}} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.3}} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.3}} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.6}} a_2 b_2
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,a_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{4.5}} \,a_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,b_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{5.2}} \,b_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,c_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{7.1}} \,c_2 - 1
IF we can locate the starting points near $t=0$......
IF we can track these paths......
IF we can reach their limit points at $t=1$......
......then we can find all
(totally mixed) Nash equilibria.
(We will focus on the 1st "IF")
Near $t=0$, the paths escapes $(\mathbb{C}^*)^6$.
Can we "describe"
the local behavior of the paths as
$t \to 0$ ?
Near $t=0$, each path is parametrized by some
\boldsymbol{a}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_1}{m}} (a_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{a}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_2}{m}} (a_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{b}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_1 }{m}} (b_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{b}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_2 }{m}} (b_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{c}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_1}{m}} (c_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{c}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_2}{m}} (c_2 + o(t))
$\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\beta_1,\beta_2,\gamma_1,\gamma_2,m \in \mathbb{Z}$
are constants (path dependent),
$a_1, a_2, b_1, b_2, c_1, c_2 \in \mathbb{C}^*$.
Key questions:
How to find exponents
$\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\beta_1,\beta_2,\gamma_1,\gamma_2$ and $m$ ?
How to find leading coefficient
$a_1,\, a_2,\, b_1,\, b_2, \, c_1,\, c_2$ ?
With these, numerical "path trackers" can take over.
Near $t=0$, each path is parametrized by some
\boldsymbol{a}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_1}{m}} (a_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{a}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_2}{m}} (a_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{b}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_1 }{m}} (b_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{b}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_2 }{m}} (b_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{c}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_1}{m}} (c_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{c}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_2}{m}} (c_2 + o(t))
That means
= 0
\mathbf{v} =
\in \mathbb{Q}^6 \times \mathbb{Q}
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} H (
a_1, a_2,
b_1, b_2,
c_1, c_2,
) = \mathbf{0}
i.e., the leading coefficients form a $\mathbb{C}^*$-zero of the initial system.
Initial systems
f(\mathbf{x}) =
\sum_{\mathbf{a} \in S} \, c_{\mathbf{a}} \mathbf{x}^{\mathbf{a}}
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} f =
\sum_{\mathbf{a} \in (S)_{\mathbf{v}}} \, c_{\mathbf{a}} \mathbf{x}^{\mathbf{a}}
where $(S)_\mathbf{v}$ is the subset of $S$
on which $\langle \cdot, \mathbf{v} \rangle$ is minimized.
= c_{00} \color{purple}{x^0 y^0}
+ c_{10} \color{green}{x^2 y^0}
+ c_{22} \color{blue}{x^2 y^2}
+ c_{12} \color{red}{x^1 y^2}
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} f(x,y)
= c_{00} \color{purple}{x^0 y^0}
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} f(x,y)
= c_{00} \color{purple}{x^0 y^0}
+ c_{12} \color{red}{x^1 y^2}
f_1 \\ \vdots \\ f_n
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} f_1 \\
\vdots \\
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} f_n
Recall that from the assumption we derived
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} H (
a_1, a_2,
b_1, b_2,
c_1, c_2,
) = \mathbf{0}
This requires very special $\mathbf{v}$.
For a "bad " choice of $\mathbf{v}$,
$\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} H = \mathbf{0} \; \to$
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{1} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{1} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{1} &=
\class{highlight}{c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{ c_2}
$\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} H = \mathbf{0} \; \to$
has no solution in
For one "good " choice of $\mathbf{v}$,
$\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} H = \mathbf{0} \; \to$
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{c_2} -
A system of binomials
Has a solution in $(\mathbb{C}^*)^6$
\text{``Good''} \;\Longrightarrow\;
\mathbf{v} \in \bigcap_{i=1}^6 \mathbb{V}(\operatorname{Trop}(h_i))
Another "good " choice of $\mathbf{v}$,
$\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} H = \mathbf{0} \; \to$
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{ c_2} -
Also a system of binomials
Also has one solution in $(\mathbb{C}^*)^6$
Exactly 2 "good" choices.
They produce binomial systems
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{c_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{ c_2} -
Their $\mathbb{C}^*$-solutions give us leading coefficients.
Starting points of the "solution paths"
can be computed.
Starting points of the "solution paths"
can be computed.
"Tracking" these paths lead to two
(totally mixed) Nash equilibria.
Problem solved!
Revisiting our assumption
Near $t=0$, each path is parametrized by some
\boldsymbol{a}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_1}{m}} (a_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{a}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_2}{m}} (a_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{b}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_1 }{m}} (b_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{b}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_2 }{m}} (b_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{c}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_1}{m}} (c_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{c}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_2}{m}} (c_2 + o(t))
$\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\beta_1,\beta_2,\gamma_1,\gamma_2,m \in \mathbb{Z}$
are constants (path dependent),
$a_1, a_2, b_1, b_2, c_1, c_2 \in \mathbb{C}^*$.
Why is this true?
Newton-Puiseux Theorem
Local Uniformizer
Local Parametrization Theorem
Near $t=0$, each path defined by
) = \mathbf{0}
has (convergent) Laurent power series expansions
\boldsymbol{a}_1(s) &= a_{10} s^{\alpha_1} + a_{11} s^{\alpha_1 + 1} + \cdots \\
&\vdots \\
\boldsymbol{c}_2(s) &= c_{20} s^{\gamma_2} + c_{21} s^{\gamma_2 + 1} + \cdots \\
t(s) &= s^{m}
for some $m \in \mathbb{Z}^+$.
We have Puiseux series (fractional power series) expansion
\boldsymbol{a}_1(t) &= a_{10} t^{\frac{\alpha_1}{m}} + a_{11} t^{\frac{\alpha_1 + 1}{m}} + \cdots \in \mathbb{C}\{t\} \\
&\vdots \\
\boldsymbol{c}_2(t) &= c_{20} t^{\frac{\gamma_2}{m}} + c_{21} t^{\frac{\gamma_2 + 1}{m}} + \cdots \in \mathbb{C}\{t\}
We have Puiseux series (fractional power series) expansion
\boldsymbol{a}_1(t) &= a_{10} t^{\frac{\alpha_1}{m}} + a_{11} t^{\frac{\alpha_1 + 1}{m}} + \cdots \in \mathbb{C}\{t\} \\
&\vdots \\
\boldsymbol{c}_2(t) &= c_{20} t^{\frac{\gamma_2}{m}} + c_{21} t^{\frac{\gamma_2 + 1}{m}} + \cdots \in \mathbb{C}\{t\}
Near $t=0$, each path is parametrized by
\boldsymbol{a}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_1}{m}} (a_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{a}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\alpha_2}{m}} (a_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{b}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_1 }{m}} (b_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{b}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\beta_2 }{m}} (b_2 + o(t)) \\
\boldsymbol{c}_1(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_1}{m}} (c_1 + o(t)) &
\boldsymbol{c}_2(t) &= t^{\frac{\gamma_2}{m}} (c_2 + o(t))
Polyhedral homotopy for totally mixed Nash equilibria
Huber & Sturmfels.
A polyhedral method for solving sparse polynomial systems .
Math Comput 64, 1541-1555 (1995).
0 &=
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
0 &=
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
H =
\overline{A}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{1.4}} b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{0.7}} b_2 c_2
\overline{B}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.8}} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.9}} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.1}} a_2 c_2
\overline{C}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{0.5}} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.3}} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.3}} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.6}} a_2 b_2
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,a_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{4.5}} \,a_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,b_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{5.2}} \,b_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,c_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{7.1}} \,c_2 - 1
0 &=
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
H =
\overline{A}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{1.4}} b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{0.7}} b_2 c_2
\overline{B}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.8}} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.9}} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.1}} a_2 c_2
\overline{C}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{0.5}} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.3}} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.3}} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.6}} a_2 b_2
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,a_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{4.5}} \,a_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,b_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{5.2}} \,b_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,c_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{7.1}} \,c_2 - 1
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{c_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{ c_2} -
0 &=
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
H =
\overline{A}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{1.4}} b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{0.7}} b_2 c_2
\overline{B}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{1.2}} a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.8}} a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.9}} a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.1}} a_2 c_2
\overline{C}_{11} \class{highlight}{t^{0.5}} a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \class{highlight}{t^{0.3}} a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \class{highlight}{t^{1.3}} a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \class{highlight}{t^{1.6}} a_2 b_2
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,a_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{4.5}} \,a_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,b_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{5.2}} \,b_2 - 1 \\
&\class{highlight}{t^{1.0}} \,c_1 + \class{highlight}{t^{7.1}} \,c_2 - 1
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{c_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{lowlowlight}{\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 } +
\class{highlight}{\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 } +
\class{highlight}{ \overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{ \overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2 }
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ a_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{a_2} -
\class{lowlowlight}{0} &=
\class{highlight}{ b_1 } +
\class{lowlowlight}{b_2 } -
\class{lowlowlight}{ 0 } &=
\class{highlight}{c_1} +
\class{lowlowlight}{ c_2} -
Standard numerical "path trackers"
can track these paths and produce
totally mixed Nash equilibria.
Polyhedral homotopy method
Huber & Sturmfels.
A polyhedral method for solving sparse polynomial systems .
Math Comput 64, 1541-1555 (1995).
For a system of $n$ (Laurent) polynomials $F$
f_i (\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{\mathbf{a} \in S_i} c_{\mathbf{a}} \mathbf{x}^{\mathbf{a}}
\quad\text{for } i = 1,\ldots,n
in $n$ variables $\mathbf{x} = (x_1,\ldots,x_n)$, where
$\mathbf{x}^{\mathbf{a}} = x_1^{a_1} x_2^{a_2} \cdots x_n^{a_n}$ denotes a monomial
$S_i$ is the support of $f_i$
$c_{\mathbf{a}}$'s are nonzero complex coefficients...
the polyhedral homotopy method
of Huber and Sturmfels is an efficient and stable
numerical method for compute all
Extensions to $\mathbb{C}^n$:
A convex geometric approach to counting the roots of a polynomial system.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 133, 105-140 (1994).
Li & Wang.
The BKK root count in $\mathbb{C}^n$.
Math. Comput. 65, 1477-1484 (1996).
Huber & Sturmfels.
Bernstein's theorem in affine space.
Discrete Comput Geom 17, 137-141 (1997).
f_i (\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{\mathbf{a} \in S_i} c_{\mathbf{a}} \mathbf{x}^{\mathbf{a}}
\quad\text{for } i = 1,\ldots,n
For generic coefficients,
all $\mathbb{C}^*$-solutions to $F = \mathbf{0}$
are isolated, and the total number is the BKK bound
We construct the homotopy function $H = (h_1,\ldots,h_n)$
h_i (\mathbf{x},\class{highlight}{t}) =
\sum_{\mathbf{a} \in S_i}
\quad\text{for } i = 1,\ldots,n
where each $\omega_i : S_i \to \mathbb{Q}$
is a "lifting" function with generic images.
$H$ is continuous
$H(\mathbf{x},1) \equiv F(\mathbf{x})$
As $t$ varies between 1 and 0, $H$ "deforms" the target system $F$
For generic coefficients,
$\mathbb{C}^*$-solutions to $H = \mathbf{0}$
also move continuously forming "solution paths".
How to start ?
Near $t=0$, the paths may escape
but they have Puiseux series expansions
x_i = t^{\class{highlight}{\frac{\alpha_i}{m}}}(y_i + o(t))
\quad\text{for } i = 1,\ldots,n
The "exponent" vector
\class{highlight}{\frac{\alpha_1}{m}} &
\cdots &
\class{highlight}{\frac{\alpha_n}{m}} &
is a common inner normal vector of
$n$ edges of the Newton polytopes of
h_i (\mathbf{x},t) =
\sum_{\mathbf{a} \in S_i}
\quad\text{for } i = 1,\ldots,n
And the leading coefficients $y_1,\ldots,y_n$ satisfies
\operatorname{init}_{\mathbf{v}} (y_1,\ldots,y_n,1) = \mathbf{0}.
These initial systems are generically binomial systems
and can be solved directly and efficiently.
Path trackers can then take over......
Root counting
0 &=
\overline{A}_{11} \, b_1 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{12} \, b_1 c_2 +
\overline{A}_{21} \, b_2 c_1 +
\overline{A}_{22} \, b_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{B}_{11} \,a_1 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{12} \,a_1 c_2 +
\overline{B}_{21} \,a_2 c_1 +
\overline{B}_{22} \,a_2 c_2
0 &=
\overline{C}_{11} \,a_1 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{12} \,a_1 b_2 +
\overline{C}_{21} \,a_2 b_1 +
\overline{C}_{22} \,a_2 b_2
1 &= a_1 + a_2 \\
1 &= b_1 + b_2 \\
1 &= c_1 + c_2
What is the generic root count?
Why 2 ?
Bernshtein-Kushnirenko-Khovanskii (BKK) bound
(Bernshtein, Kushnirenko, Khovanskii)
Given a system of (Laurent) polynomials
$f_1,\dots,f_n$ in $(x_1,\dots,x_n)$
with generic coefficients,
the number of isolated common roots in
$(\mathbb{C}^*)^n$ is
$\operatorname{MVol}$ denotes the mixed volume function,
$\operatorname{Newt}(f_i)$ is the Newton polytope of $f_i$,
i.e., the convex hull of the exponent vectors
in $f_i$ as points in $\mathbb{R}^n$.
This "BKK" bound is also the maximum number of
isolated $\mathbb{C}^*$-solutions such a system can have
for any choice of coefficients.
(This is the number of paths the polyhedral homotopy has to trace.)
Mixed volume
\text{Minkowski sum: }
A + B := \{ a + b \mid a \in A, b \in B \}
For convex polytopes $P_1,\dots,P_n$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$,
the mixed volume
is the coefficient of $\lambda_1 \cdots \lambda_n$ in
\operatorname{vol}(\lambda_1 P_1 + \cdots + \lambda_n P_n)
\text{MVol}(A,B) = \text{Coef. of}\quad \lambda_1 \lambda_2 \quad
\operatorname{vol}(\lambda_1 A + \lambda_2 B)
2-dimensional case
is the coefficient of $\lambda_1 \lambda_2$ in
\text{vol}(\lambda_1 A + \lambda_2 B)
\operatorname{MVol}(A,B) =
\operatorname{vol}(A+B) - \text{vol}(A) - \text{vol}(B)
This formula can be generalized to higher dimensional (polarization formula),
but this is not how we compute mixed volume in practice.
BKK bound for Nash equilibria
(McKelvey & McLennan)
The maximum number of isolated totally mixed Nash equilibria
for any $n$-player game where the $i$-th player has $d_i$ pure strategies
equals the mixed volume of $\Delta[ d_1, \ldots, d_n ]$.
($n$ products of simplicies)
This mixed volume equals the number of partitions of
p_k^{(i)} \mid
\bigcup_{i=1}^n B_1
$|B_i| = d_i - 1$
$p_k^{(i)} \not\in B_i$ for any $k$.
McKelvey, & McLennan.
The Maximal Number of Regular Totally Mixed Nash Equilibria .
J. Econ. Theory 72, 411-425
This maximum number can be attained by counting
only the real Nash equilibria with $p_k^{(i)} \in (0,1)$.
This mixed volume equals the number of partitions of
p_k^{(i)} \mid
\bigcup_{i=1}^n B_1
$|B_i| = d_i - 1$
$p_k^{(i)} \not\in B_i$ for any $k$.
The 3-player-2-strategies case
($n=3, d_i=2$)
BKK bound equals the number of partitions
a, b, c
B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3
such that $|B_1| = |B_2| = |B_3| = 1$
$a \not\in B_1$
$b \not\in B_2$
$c \not\in B_3$
(Coincide with the number of derangements in this special case)
The 3-player-2-strategies case
($n=3, d_i=2$)
BKK bound equals the number of partitions
a, b, c
B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3
such that $|B_1| = |B_2| = |B_3| = 1$
$a \not\in B_1$
$b \not\in B_2$
$c \not\in B_3$
(Coincide with the number of derangements in this special case)
There are only two possibilities:
B_1 &= \{ c \} && & B_1 &= \{ b \} \\
B_2 &= \{ a \} &&\text{and} & B_2 &= \{ c \} \\
B_3 &= \{ b \} && & B_3 &= \{ a \}
There are exactly 2 totally mixed Nash equilibria.
3 players with 3 pure strategies
($n=3, d_i=3$)
BKK bound equals the number of partitions
a_1, a_2, b_1, b_2, c_1, c_2
B_1 \cup B_2 \cup B_3
such that $|B_1| = |B_2| = |B_3| = 2$
$a_1,a_2 \not\in B_1$
$b_1,b_2 \not\in B_2$
$c_1,c_2 \not\in B_3$
How many such partitions are there?
What are they?